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Why is Styling Important to Sell a Home?

For most of us, our homes are our single largest investment.  That's why it's critical to get top dollar for them when the time comes to sell!  Unfortunately, many homes languish on the market and sell for less than market value because they fail to appeal to buyers. While we often become blind to the blemishes and awkward areas of our own homes, those tend to be the only things buyers can notice or remember!  Simple distractions like clutter, dated decor, or excessive furniture can send house hunters running. My mission through Styled for Sale is to help you reduce or eliminate those little distractions so you can attract more buyers (and more offers!!!)!  After we've styled your home, you can feel confident that your house is optimized and show ready. My service is much less costly than traditional staging.  Instead of bringing in all new furnishings, I work with what you already have and edit it to help your house shine!  The whole process takes only a few hours. 

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